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That's all you need to know about the best The Blight builds in Dead by Daylight. So use those Roadrunner legs to find Survivors, check generators, and bounce off walls like a demented demonic pinball. TIP #6 -The Blight can be used during more open loops, but tight spaced loots can often lead you to losing Survivors in a chase or even getting stuck on something. The Blights movement speed is 115 percent, or 4.3 metres per second, meaning he can cover a lot of ground fast. For example, if you’re using Devour Hope or No One Escapes Death, a Lethal Rush doesn’t count as a Basic Attack, meaning you won’t benefit from the effects of those perks at all. TIP #5 -If you’re using perks that require you to hit Survivors with a basic attack, then you should know that your Lethal Rush attack doesn’t count as one. Much like other cooldown abilities, his tokens will regenerate over time. With each Rush and Lethal Rush, he loses a token, and effectively goes into a Fatigue once all tokens are consumed.

The Blight starts with 5 tokens at the start of a Trial. If The Blight does not hit an object, he’ll go into a cooldown period for a short time. Once The Blight hits off an object for the first time, his Rush ability transforms into a Lethal Rush where, unlike previously, he can actually use his weapon to hit Survivors while rushing. It enhances his powers and allows him to perform a ‘Rush’ - an ability that propels him forward to hit off objects and obstacles such as Walls, Pallets, Hooks, and even smaller things like crates, barrels, etc. With this power The Blight injects himself with Pustula serum.

The Blight’s power is called Blighted Corruption. Hex: Blood Favour has a cool-down of 60/50/40 seconds.Hitting a survivor with your basic attack prompts the entity to hold all pallets within a radius of 16 metres from your location in place for the next 15 seconds preventing survivors from pulling them down.